Fri 10 Jan
Phone problems... Phone back running on Monday try me again then thanks - 21
(Portland, lake oswego)
(((NIGHT SPECIALS))) !!!SEXXY * outgoing * FUN * petite * WAITING to FULLFILL ur DREAMS!!! - 22
(Portland, (Beaverton))
$100/incall Special!! WELL REVIEWED & highly RECOMENDED!!! LET ME PAMPER YOU BABY!!!! - 23
(COZY PRIVATE incall OR out to YOU!)
She Can't Do It Like ME! Let Me Massage Your Manly Hood! You've Never Been This Hard In Your Life! - 20
(Seattle, Outcalls 24/7)
*** InToXiCaTiNg *** BlOnDe *** BeAuTy *** EaGeR *** To *** PLe@se *** - 23
(Medford, medford, Ashland, Grants Pass)
¸.·°¯°·.¸.-> *((( SULTRY KNOCKOUT!! NYC/VEGAS MODEL!! )))*
(Portland, VAN MALL INCALL!! Let's Play!!)
******some of the best girls in town upscale and elite noting but the best ***** - 21
(Staten Island, staten island your place)
Men like watching football, I just like playing with balls! ---- Vancouver/205! - 43
(Portland, Vancouver/MillPlain/205!)
°Erotic°Exotic Cuban Black and Indian....... $100 special 160 for full throttle incall discrete - 21
♥|& §ËXY & §WÊÉT Ready 2 Meet »-♥Amazing Skills ! Im the BEST(; NEW 2 TOWN &Great; specials. - 19
(Portland, Portland Incall& Outcalls)
Do You Like Sweet Chaming Sexy Playmate?
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport)
Be AuTiFuL >* ExOtic BUSTY L_ A_T_I_N_A PLaY m aTe - 22
(PDX Airport (incall))
WE WILL BE LEAVING SOON!! So make your fantasy come true today! 2 GIRL SHOW! Girl on Girl fun! - 25
(Portland, Vancouver/portland)
🍒🍒 B E A U T I F U L 🍒🍒 A U D R I A N N A 🍒🍒 H I G H L Y 🍒🍒 R E V I E W E D - 27
(Skagit County, Private In Call S Everett)
(First Time🔴║★║🔴🔴36D COLLEGE STUDENT (Short Visit) 🔴🔴║★║🔴🔴all menu NURU MASSAGE - 20
(DOWNTOWN Portland NEW GIRL, Portland)
. -*^*-. CiCi Here for You!! -*^*- New Rates and PICS!! -*^*- Come Play with Me! -*^*-. - 21
(PDX-VAN Metro)
The Real Deal 💕Get Addicted to my Pleasure 💞 Highly Reviewed 💋💕BEAVERTON InCall! - 23
(Portland, BEAVERTON incall)
💕HOT EBONY Vixen 😼Can I cater to you??😏 Come play with this k!tty😈💦 Specials - 21
(outcall Only, Portland)
Thu 09 Jan
80moring specl❤❤💓 no bait and switchLady rose new Available now waiting to hear from you 💓💙❤ - 19 - 19
SEXY!!! PuErtO RiCaN girl... petite 100lbs 5feet...very pretty face..w BRONX in calls - 24
♡ SeXy SaTuRdAy MoRNiNgS♡ CoMe GeT A TaStE oF ViCtORy ♡ WiTh KaLa GaTeS YoU WiLl L♡VE tHe aFteRtaSte - 23
▃▅▆:★:♚Uρscαℓε PERFECT ➓ European Pℓαγmαtε •°• ☆•°• BoOtY LoVeRs №➊ ChOiCe♚:★:▆▅▃ - 24
(Portland, ★AirPort InCall Baby★)
♥ LoLa BuNNy iS BaCk iN ToWn! ★ SeXxXy SLenDeR BruNeTTe DoLL! ★ LEAVING SOON! - 21
(*Convention Center* *Upscale* *Incall*)
{Let Me Spoil You } FuN SiZeD Brunette { 1OO } Special ~ ~ Ready Now - 25
(Portland, se private incall...come play Stark)
~ 120 Outcall Special! ~ Portland's Ultimate Pleasure Provider ~ 2 For 1 Buddy Special! ~ - 46
(Portland, PORTLAND/VANCOUVER, Tigard)
❤☆tHe BeSt YoU CaN GeT yOuR HaNdS oN ❤☆ CoMe GeT a TaStE oF gReAtNeSs ❤☆$99$ OuTCaLl SPeCiaLs ❤☆ - 23
short time only NeW pics 《《NEW》》♥《《 CuTE __ PiCs__jUicY BooTy 》》♥《《 SeXY __ BoDY == 100% ReaL PHoToS - 27
(Portland, Beaverton)
💜East Indian💜💎JaZz💎💜.. Last Night Here..💜💎Specials..💎💜Last Chance..💜💎 - 23
(Portland, Portland Incall)
•360°980•0162° •GORGEOUS PLAY MATE• $$$ INN•CALL ~ OUT•CALL $$$ - 23
(Portland, vancouver/portland area)
140 Special ★Stunning ★ 100% Real Exotic Mixed Babe* MIA Williams * - 21
EXOTIC MIXED BEAUTY!!! 34DD Round bottom And Long Legs!!! 💋💋💋 - 27
(Portland, pdx/Vancouver outcall only)
ASIANS DO IT BETTER.....Sexy And Ready For Some Fun Are You!!! - 20
(Portland, Portland InCall/OutCall)
** available until 9 **SPECIALS SPECIALS **SPECIALS** New ** Young** Brunette** Bombshell** - 22
(Portland, Portland Vancouver surrounding areas)
Miley's Winter Wonderland, my pie is sweet like cherry, box shaved never hairy! si habla Español! - 28
(incall sw pdx & outcall everywhere, Portland)
💎Day time specials❤Sexy European Latina Playmate🍒Ready to Play❤Estoy lista parati🍒Available Now💎 - 24
(Seattle, Outcalls everywhere! 👠)
ஜ ¥ⓞϑ ₩¡ℓℓ Dr€αm ⓞf M€ Ton¡ght & Bε Anx¡ous For M€ †øMø ®®ø₩💋 №➊ ⓑⓛⓞⓝⓓⓔ ⓕⓡⓔⓐⓚ ↬ ☎N✪₩ ➋➍/➆ 4 ₷pє¢ϊ∂ℓ§ - 22
(Tacoma, TaCoMa & SURROUNDING OutCaLLs 24/7CALLME)
* * * * * *° TRUE°** DEFINIT ION OF SEXXY °* * * * * * - 22
(hillsboro, beaverton ( incall/ outcall))
Wed 08 Jan
** Treat your self after a long work week** I'm just what you need sugary, saucy, tad bit N*u*h*y. - 22
(Spokane, Spokane Area Only)
~♥~ ·-:¦:-·_E __X__Q__U__I __S__I__T__E_ ·-:¦:-· ~;~ kayla ~ 5 0 3 - 7 6 1 - 2 9 4 3
(4 Star Southcenter incall)
Last Day in town ✿° °o • (( ✰ B R U N E T T E _♥_ B A B Y D O L L ✰ )) • o° °✿ - 21
(Bellevue, Downtown Seattle/ Bellevue upscale, Seattle)
%%%%%%%%%% D0N'T MiSS 0UT!! %%%%%%%%%% ______ L@@K______ %%%%%%%%%% UP ALL NiGHT!! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% - 21
(Salt Lake City, ( incall & outcall))
★... _W_@_N_N_A_ .... H_@_V_3 ... S_O_M_3 ...._ R_3_@_L_ ... F_U_N ! .....★ - 24
🌟🌟🌟🌟OUTCALLS CALL ME NOW 🍭🍭KIA your New Smoking HoTt playmate 🍦 - 22
(Downtown PDX & Vancouver, Portland)
Petite curvy^^^Latina mix ****Well reviewed ***specials OUTCALLS ALL OVER!!! - 20
(Portland, portland outcall anywhere)